2014 研究論文
- Proposal for an engineering definition of a fatigue crack initiation unit for evaluating the fatigue limit on the basis of crystallographic analysis of pearlitic steel
T.Fujisawa, S.Hamada, N.Koga, D.Sasaki, T.Tsuchiyama and N.Nakada: International Journal of Fracture, Vol.185 (2014), pp.17-29.
- Difference in transformation behavior between ferrite and austenite formations in medium manganese steel
N.Nakada, K.Mizutani, T.Tsuchiyama and S.Takaki: Acta Materialia, Vol.65 (2014), pp.251-258.
- Effect of the martensite distribution on the strain hardening and ductile fracture behaviors in dual-phase steel
K.Park, M.Nishiyama, N.Nakada, T.Tsuchiyama and S.Takaki: Material Science and Engineering A, Vol.604 (2014), pp.135-141.
- Enhanced work hardening by redistribution of oxygen in (α+β)-type Ti-4Cr-0.2O alloys
D.Kang, N.Koga, M.Sakata, N.Nakada, T.Tsuchiyama and S.Takaki: Material Science and Engineering A, Vol.606 (2014), pp.101-107.
- Decrease in the brittle-to-ductile transition temperature in Cu added nickel-free austenitic stainless steels
M.Tanaka, T.Onomoto, C.Furusho, T.Tsuchiyama and K.Higashida: ISIJ International, Vol.54 (2014), pp.1735-1740.
- Discontinuous yielding induced by the addition of nickel to interstitial-free steel
D.Akama, N,Nakada, T.Tsuchiyama, S.Takaki and A.Hironaka: Scripta Materialia, Vol.82 (2014), pp.13-16.
- 鉄鋼材料における定量的三次元組織解手法:電子線トモグラフィーの強磁性材料への適用に向けて
波多聰, 佐藤和久, 村山光宏, 土山聡宏, 中島英治: 鉄と鋼, Vol.100 (2014), pp.889-896.
- 高窒素オーステナイト系ステンレス鋼におけるMn添加による相変態機構の遷移
古賀紀光, 福山道紀, 中田伸生, 土山聡宏, 高木節雄: 鉄と鋼, Vol.100 (2014), pp.1165-1171.
- Williamson-Hall法で求めたフェライトの格子ひずみに及ぼすパーライト組織の影響
田中友基, 赤間大地, 中田伸生, 土山聡宏, 高木節雄: 鉄と鋼, Vol.100 (2014), pp.1229-1231.
- 金属組織写真とデジタル画像相関法を活用したDP鋼の階層的ひずみ分布解析
中田伸生, 西山真郷, 古賀紀光, 土山聡宏, 高木節雄: 鉄と鋼, Vol.100 (2014), pp.1238-1245.
- Suppression of hydrogen embrittlement by formation of a stable austenite layer in metastable austenitic stainless steel
T.Tsuchiyama, K.Tsuboi, S.Iwanaga, T.Masumura, A.Macadre, N.Nakada and S.Takaki: Scripta Materialia, Vol.90-91 (2014), pp.14-16.
- Thermodynamics and kinetics of solution nitriding
N.Nakada, K.Tsuboi, T.Onomoto, T.Tsuchiyama, S.Takaki and G.Inden: Calphad, Vol.47 (2014), pp.168-173.
- Strain mapping with high spatial resolution across a wide observtion range by digital image correlation on plastic replicas
S.Hamada, T.Fujisawa, M.Koyama, N.Koga, N.Nakada, T.Tsuchiyama, M.Ueda and H.Noguchi: Materials Characterization, Vol.98 (2014), pp.140-146.