2010 研究論文
- Deformation-induced martensitic transformation behavior in cold-rolled and cold-drawn type 316 stainless steels
N.Nakada, H.Ito, Y.Matsuoka, T.Tsuchiyama and S.Takaki: Acta Materialia, Vol.58 (2010), pp.895-903.
- Conditions for grain boundary bulging during tempering of lath martensite in ultra-low carbon steel
T.Tsuchiyama, M.Natori, N.Nakada and S.Takaki: ISIJ International, Vol.50 (2010), pp.771-773.
- Surface-layer microstructure control for metastable austenitic stainless steel to prevent hydrogen permeation
T.Tsuchiyama, H.Takebe, K.Tsuboi and S.Takaki: Scripta Materialia, Vol.62 (2010), pp.731-734.